Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Storm of the Century or "Snow Day on Steroids"

Call it what you will.  "Stormzilla".  "Snow-zilla".  Snowpocolypse 2011".  Here in Maine, we call it "A Wednesday in January."  And while we are used to this happening here, most of the USA today (over 2000 miles says the weather channel), and over 100 million people are experiencing what is being called the largest snowstorm in the century.  Lots of snow EVERYWHERE.  Many places that are not used to getting any snow during the winter are getting pounded with up to 24 inches of it today.  Many others are getting ice.  We are getting lots of snow.  Most of the morning has been a complete white-out here but it started to slow down about 90 minutes ago so I went outside to take some pictures.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

If I had been home, I don't think I would have been outside taking pictures! I on the other hand got out of voluteering at the Red Cross today early, and got home before the hubs and had to shovel of all things, the town plow had been by again, and there was about 3ft of snow blocking the drive, then after all that He comes by and plowed the rest! humppfh!