Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow. Again. Mother Nature, we SURRENDER!!

At first this afternoon I planned to update by adding pictures of the crazy storm we are having today.  But, I took a look at the pictures that are already posted and said to myself, "Self, why would you go out in knee deep snow and take more pictures that are only going to look like those already posted?"  So--- Self stayed inside.  Well, kinda. 

The alarm did it's daily "GETOUTOFBEDNOW!" crap at (as a good friend of mine often says) "O-dark-30" this morning with the forecast of a major snowstorm for the day.  By the time I was ready to head to Brunswick for clinical, school had been cancelled with still no sign of snow.  But it was looming.  We all knew it. 

And hit, it did.  Been a raging blizzard all day.About 8 inches of heavy, wet, white stuff on the back deck that Justin shovelled when he got home this afternoon. I haven't ventured out again, after my encounter with a snowbank this morning.  Thanks once again to the Falmouth Public Works and the Falmouth Police Department for their assistance. Of course I can't forget the tow guy from Copp Motors for pulling me out.  Not an easy chore mind you.  I was buried.  Trapped in the car for about an hour which wasn't bad.  If I'd had to get out I could have done the gymnastics to get over the console and gotten out but I didn't need to so I decided to stay warm. It just goes to show that God takes care of people too stoopid to not stay home during a blizzard.  My most heartfelt and sincere thanks go to Adam for calling the tow truck for me today.  Without him, I'd have set in the snowbank for much longer than I did.  Thank you, Adam.

So, if you want to see pictures of today's snowstorm, just scroll down and look at the ones from a couple weeks ago--they are pretty much the same.

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