Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jude Logic

Now that Jude is 2 1/2, he's starting to make some logical assumptions.....sorta. Today, Toni was talking to Julie on the phone and could hear Jude playing in the background. Because of the following bits of conversation, I'm presuming that Julie and Jude were outside at the time:

Julie (to Toni): "blah, blah, blah....Jude, don't throw dirt on Mommy."

Toni (to Julie): "blah, blah, blah......"

Water running in background

Julie: "Jude! Don't get Mommy wet!"

Obviously, he had squirted Julie with the hose after throwing dirt on her....

Jude (in the background): "Grow, Mommy, Grow!!!"

Ahhh the thoughts of a 2 year old.....

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The newest addition to the Morrison Family

Well, we now know what our new addition to Alex and Julie's family is going to be. IT'S A BOY!!!! Hopefully soon we'll have a new picture of Mr. Jett Morrison....I can't wait!!!