Saturday, December 17, 2011

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

While it's all done now...this is what it looks like in the making

The reindeer is one of my two favorite Christmas decorations.  It was made by Adam when he was in Kindergarten or first grade.   He came home from school one day and the conversation went like this: "Hi honey, was your day at school?"
"It was great Mom.  By the way I need a panty ho for school tomorrow".  Hmmmm..." You need a panty ho?  What's a panty ho?"  "It's one leg of your panty hose!"  Yes, it made sense to a 5-year-old. 
This is my other favorite Christmas decoration.  Justin made this when he was in kindergarten or first-grade.All the money in the world couldn't buy anything better!

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