Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!  If anyone does any reading about Mother's Day you will realize that this holiday has been around a very long time, and has many rituals from many cultures.  It has celebrated things such as the mother of the God's, Mother Church, and Mother's in human form.  All of the stories make for very interesting reading.

My own mother passed away almost 6 years ago now, and I can honestly tell you she was an "interesting" lady to say the least and growing up in a household with her for the mother was an experience in never knowing what was going to happen next.  Kind of like waiting for the "next shoe to fall" to speak.

Anyway, she was a special woman with trials and tribulations all her own but she was also a lot of fun to be with.  She loved my sister and I.  She loved my boys.  And in her own weird way she loved many others.  We had many adventures, so many memories.............and she is missed. You've missed a lot over the past few years, Mom and while I wish you had been around for most of it, there is some of it (mostly the sad parts), that I'm glad you didn't have to witness and hurt for.  Love you and Miss you, Billie!

Arthur's mom, Virgie, passed away almost 2 years ago now. She, too, was a special lady and was a lot of fun, and support over the 35+ years that I was able to have her as a Mother-in-law. She loved her her family, and all of her grandchildren, as well as her great-grandchildren and never forgot anything special about any of her "kids". She always had Oreo's in the house and her door was always opened for any of us in need. We all love and miss you, Virgie!

I also was given two gifts by God that over the years have allowed me to celebrate this holiday. Justin was born almost 33 years ago, and Adam, 30 years and together (as well as separately) they have brought me endless joy over the years. Yes, a few heartaches have happened but the joys far outweigh any type of sadness and worry. So, thank you to my fabulous sons for their contribution to this holiday.

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