Sunday, April 10, 2011

Catch up time!

It's been a little while since I've posted.  Maybe it's because I've been busy (I know that's the reason) or maybe it's been because I haven't had to have my car towed out of any weird places lately, so I've got no stories to tell.  Only you the reader can guess--because life certainly hasn't stopped.  In fact, it has just gotten busier.  If you can imagine that.  No, has gotten a bit busier.  As most of you know, we got a snowstorm on April 1st.  April Fools!  No, really.  We did...a massive storm.  But the snow only lasted a couple days and most of it is now gone.  We weren't really sure that it would all be gone before June since we got so much of it this year, but it is.  Justin got his plants started and outside for awhile today so that means summer is coming.

So let's see what is new? On April 2nd, Shelby and the Millinocket Middle School Show Choir won the state championship trophy for the Maine Music Education Association's Jazz Festival.  The High School in Millinocket, Stearns High School, won the state championship in their division as well.  Such a large amount of talent in such a small town.  Above are some pictures of the Middle School group.

On March 31, Habitat for Humanity of the Greater Portland Area had their Volunteer Recognition banquet.  Art and I attended since he was going to be receiving a "Silver Hammer" for his volunteer efforts this past year.  While he knew most of the people there, I met some wonderful people for the first time. The caring that these volunteers show for the clients and their families, and for each other is amazing.  It was also a kind of sad time for Art.  He became very good friends with a young man named Ben who was a construction manager for the homes Art has worked on.  Ben is moving to Colorado at the end of April for some new endeavors.  He will be greatly missed by not only his friends but also by Habitat in Portland.  Art is hoping that as soon as he gets operations in order at his new job, that he can go back to volunteering at least one day on the weekends.  Below are some pics from the banquet:

So this is what is new in Birtville.  This coming weekend, my cousin Dianne, Shelby and Taylor's real "Auntie", is bringing them to Birtville for a long weekend.  "Girls Weekend" as we like to call it.  Hopefully next week I'll have some more pictures to post.  

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