Well, I said I'd be back with some postings of stuff that went on during the winter. So here is the first entry.
In February, the folks from Memory Lane and the Mama and Papa from Birtville took a trip to Boston so that the womenfolk could tour the Harry Potter Exhibit at the Museum of Science. We had an excellent time--a few rough spots on the trip down, but all in all a great trip. The ladies were thrilled with the exhibit since they are all crazy, fanatical Harry Potter fans. After a nice dinner at the Rainforest Cafe, we scooted back up the turnpike to Birtville. Here are a couple pictures that Steve took. We missed the most priceless one of all, and we should have been thinking ahead. As any good exhibit would, the end of this one emptied out into a "gift shop" of sorts. As as any good women would, the ladies wanted a souvenir so they spent a great deal of time looking for something to purchase that wouldn't cause the menfolk to have to take second mortgages on either Memory Lane Manor, or Birtville. But since that wasn't to be, the ladies decided not to purchase a souvenir (wooden carved wands were at least $45). So the ladies wandered back to the museum entrance to wait for the wandering men. While waiting, Taylor decided she needed a picture of the dome roof of the museum that had the HP logo on it, so she went out to take a picture. When she came in she had a stick with her just about the size and shape of the wands for sale in the gift shop. Long story short, after much laughing and discussion the stage was set for a good laugh. When Art and Steven caught up with the waiting womenfolk
they of course asked Taylor and Shelby if they liked it, if they had fun, and the winning question, "Did you buy anything?"
Taylor was priceless as she used her poker face and said, that yes, she had found a souvenir--a wooden wand and she only paid $35 for it. No one said anything and both Theresa and I said after that we should have had a camera on Steve's face. The progress of emotion and thoughts that were going thru his mind were incredible! You could actually see his thoughts...well, of course after this no one could keep a straight face and before Steve could have a stroke, Taylor had to come clean and admit that it was just a stick that she picked up off the sidewalk....ah the missed chances in life!
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