Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy 18th Birthday, Taylor!

Where oh where has the time gone?  18 years ago, yesterday, on January 5, 1994, I had the chance to help deliver my niece Taylor Elizabeth.  You all have watched her change over the past 5 years since I started this blog.  And change she has.  She's now a HS senior, who has decided to attend Southern Maine Community College in the fall, with the long-term goal of being a nutritionist.  But, back to that snowy night 18 years ago. Here are a couple of pics of her:

I always tease Theresa that I got to give her her first hugs and kisses (which I did), but being able to hand Theresa her daughter was one of the most moving moments I ever had as a Maternity nurse.  The look of pure love from mother to daughter was awesome.